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Careers Information

The support of our local community is key to the Careers Education that The Bridge Education Centre is able to provide. 


We are so lucky to have the backing of so many willing and enthusiastic employers, keen to get involved with our school calendar of activities every year. Sharing career experiences and providing opportunities to develop employability skills is invaluable to a young person’s progression and we cannot thank our existing partners enough.


Do you work in a business that could help provide work experience or opportunities for our students?

We are always looking for local businesses that are wanting to inspire and educate our students about the world of work and expand and develop our careers programme. If you think you could help us with practice interviews, talks/presentations to students, provide invaluable work experience or any other opportunities that give students the chance to develop core skills and motivation, please contact our Careers Lead – Sue Hills at The Bridge Education Centre T: 023 8251 5567 E:


If you’re an employer and are curious about how you could get involved, we would love to hear from you! There are many ways you could contribute to The Bridge Education Centre community and we are always open to new ideas and opportunities.

Please get in touch!

Careers Lead
Mrs Sue Hills

023 8251 5567


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