A core subject at GCSE, mathematics, along with English, forms an essential part of the bedrock in a young person’s education in preparation for further study, an apprenticeship or employment.
In our dynamic, digital and increasingly global environment, young people find themselves needing to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be able to function effectively in order to make progress and develop in their chosen field. Mathematics and numeracy are a fundamental element of these requirements.
At The Bridge Education Centre we aim to ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to engage with mathematics at an appropriate level and to suit their individual learning styles. Using the internet through the interactive whiteboard we can access a great number and variety of resources that are relevant to pupils at all levels. Every pupil carries out a baseline assessment in order to ascertain their ability, identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
A curriculum map for both Key Stages 3 and 4 is in place so that all the basic skills, knowledge and understanding are covered for the less able pupils and the more able pupils can develop towards higher achievement. Following on from the baseline assessment, pupils plot a flight path from their present level of ability with a view to making progress throughout their time with us at The Bridge. The potential flight path based on Key Stage 2 results is plotted for comparison.
Year 10 and 11 pupils follow the two-year GCSE AQA Linear Mathematics course.
Throughout Year 11 pupils are given access to past GCSE papers so that they may become familiar with the type and format of questions so that may have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in the final exam. Once they have sat a “mock” paper, subjects areas are identified that may need to address in subsequent lessons. From these papers pupils are given targets and predicted grades.