The Vision
Our aim is:
to be able to offer a range of interventions to meet an array of needs; cognition, emotional, conduct, hyperkinetic, developmental, attachment, trauma and other.
to develop a whole school approach tailored to schools’ particular needs, as well as considering the needs of individual pupils, offering tailored interventions as necessary.
to have a consistent, whole school approach, playing a central role in supporting student’s good mental health and wellbeing, paired with a graduated response where behaviour issues might be as a result of educational, mental health, other needs or vulnerabilities.
that every student can bypass adult intervention and support and manage and regulate their emotions – having a realistic perception of their own behaviour and decision making and take responsibility for aspects of it.
We do this by:
promoting early intervention to identify issues, provide effective and crucial support to prevent impairment of children’s health or development, taking-action to enable all children to have better outcomes, especially those who experience a range of emotional and behavioural problems outside the normal range for their age.
equipping pupils to be resilient so they can manage the normal stress of life effectively.
recognising emerging issues as early and accurately as possible.
helping pupils to access evidence based early support and interventions.
working effectively with external agencies to provide swift access or referrals to specialist support and treatment.
promoting continuous professional development to ensure that staff are aware of some of common symptoms SEND and mental health problems; what is and isn’t a cause for concern; and what to do if they think they have spotted a developing problem.
offering in house training as well as external.
ensuring LSA’s have the opportunity to become specialised in an area of need and take lead on the therapeutic response to students that need it.
identifying problems that have or are particular severe or persistent over time, or when a number of these difficulties are experienced at the same time, or when a number of these difficulties are experienced at the same time and through a graduated response, we provide opportunities for students to practice prosocial behaviours, bridge developmental gaps and cognitive growth.
creating a One Page Profile for all individual students which is disseminated to teaching staff so they are to provide bespoke, individual lesson plans in line with recommended strategies and support structures.
achieving good pupil motivation, self-confidence, attendance, engagement and education including next steps and where possible reintegration back into mainstream school if appropriate.
paving the way towards a lifetime of success, fulfilment and happiness by promoting the rounded growth and development of students and equipping them with vital lifelong skills.
encourage teaching staff to have a clutter free teaching environment to support sensory needs and use appropriate resources to support learning such as coloured paper/overlays, cloze work, visuals.
provide whole school training every 4 weeks.
reviewing a pupil’s needs using a solution circles for where strategies are not working, as necessary, as a supportive measure looking at strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities and as a coordinated key team put supportive measures in place.
enabling staff and parents via their tutor, refer pupils for support through the therapeutic referral system.
focussing on protective factors such as positive classroom management, a sense of belonging, positive friendships, effective safeguarding, open door policy, unconditional positive regard etc.
using whole school approaches and tools such as ACES, Curriculum Targets, Restorative Approaches, VRFs & P(L)ACE etc.
We offer:
ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
FEIPS – Framework for Enhanced Individual Pastoral Support
Restorative Approaches
Counselling – No Limits
Parent Support
Drawing & Talking Therapy
Literacy & Numeracy Support
Lego Therapy
Smoking Champions – Smoke Free Me
Youth Worker – Substance Misuse
Sexual Health
Therapeutic Understanding
Every staff member should possess:
An enhanced understanding of the social needs of every child.
An enhanced understanding of the emotional needs of every child.
An enhanced understanding of the mental health needs of every child.
A developed understanding of the techniques and principals which underpin the school’s therapeutic goals.
A developed knowledge of the therapeutic involvement of every child alongside understanding the wider implications in terms of behaviours, access to learning and the wellbeing of the child.
Fluent use of therapeutic data to create effective strategies in the construction of bespoke lessons catering for the diverse need of every pupil.
A solution focussed methodology in their approach to every child. Our practice should be compassionate, nurturing and maintain the highest regard for the children in our care.
Developed understanding of the latest in terms of therapeutic practice.